
Photo by Leba Dinovitz

To a dear friend who asked. This is my humble answer:

Love is hard, love is easy, love sneaks up on you and tackles you to the ground, and sometimes,

Love sits quietly waiting to be noticed.

Love sighs

Love whispers

Love gets tired, but never flags.

Love is not.

Love is.

What is love? You know love as you know breath.

You will recognize it,

Sometimes too late.

Love is life,

And love destroys.

Some of us live whole and complete without love,

And some do not.

You asked me what love is…

Love overlooks

Love glosses over

Love allows

Love permits

Love takes chances

Love is brave

Love is giving

Love is ephemeral as air,

But real as hard rock.

You will find love

If you seek it.

Love exists in dark forgotten corners,

Love exists in glaring light.

It is never comfortable before you encounter love,

But when you do,

It’s a relief.

Love is there,

Somewhat forgotten,

In the space between getting and giving your all.

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Mirel Adler is an Orthodox Jewish writer and Clinical Social Worker who lives in a small vibrant community in South Jersey with her 4 opinionated biological children and an assortment of chosen family members. She has a therapy practice which services Lakewood and Cherry Hill, specializing in helping families communicate well. Mirel actually has a husband who loves to cook, which frees her up to get into no end of adventures! Mirel writes and reads her original poetry as a spoken word artist who frequently performs at open mic events in South Jersey and Philadelphia.