Q: I just bought a new wig, but I’m super nervous about getting it cut. How can I make sure it comes out looking the way I want? Any tips?
A: First of all, know that you are NOT alone! I’ve been a shaitel macher for 10 years, and I can safely say that the cut stresses EVERYONE out.
It’s the scariest part of the process because it’s the “make it or break it” moment for the gorgeous wig you spent hours deciding on. A lot is riding on those scissors!
The process is far from clear cut, but having sold and cut tons of wigs, I’ve come up with some simple strategies I use with my own clients. Use my tips for a relaxed and successful experience.
Lena’s Cut Rules:
● Your wig should be washed and air dried before you commit to buying it. Knowing the hair’s true texture helps determine what kind of cut will work.
● You need to discuss price BEFORE the stylist starts cutting. If you bought the wig where it’s being cut, the price of the cut is usually included. What does the cut include? Can you come back multiple times to have the cut tweaked? Is there a time limit? What is a tweak and what is a whole recut?
● The consultation you have before the cut is the key to things turning out well. You need to be crystal clear about what you want. Bring pics! (more about that below)
● Unless you are so naturally gorgeous, easygoing, and flexible that any old style will suit you, DO NOT arrive and tell the stylist that she should just give you the cut she thinks will look best.
● Bring a picture, or bring your old wig, if you want the new one to look similar. The more you show her, rather than just tell her what it should look like, the less of a chance there is for miscommunication.
● Be realistic about what cuts can work on a wig. No matter how big the skin part, how amazing the lacefront, etc., there is still a limit on what can look natural.
● Keep in mind that cutting a wig is always a negotiation between form and function. For example, you may love the look of layers around your face, but detest the feeling of hair falling in your face. So where can the cut meet somewhere in the middle? What does your stylist suggest?
● The bangs and front of the wig are really the most important part of the cut. Ask her to cut them in stages if you are not sure what length or style you want. You can always go shorter, but remember there’s no growing back.
● If you feel that a cutting error has occurred, ask her to stop. If indeed a mistake has been made, it may be possible for her to remedy it somehow. But don’t wait till the end, when there is less that can be done.
● If the stylist seems distracted, ask politely if you might reschedule. It’s totally understandable for her to take one phone call or answer a customer, but things will not generally turn out well if she is constantly being interrupted. Wigs are costly—you deserve her undivided time and attention.
● Have your wig rewashed and set after the cut. The hair will fall better. For some reason, hair always looks a little different when it’s freshly cut. You’ll like what you see in the mirror better if you take this extra step.
● Wear the cut for a few days before you make any decisions about cutting more. Give yourself a chance to get used to your new look. Remember, go slow and enjoy your new fabulousness.