Home Articles Voices Returning to My Beloved

Returning to My Beloved

Returning to My Beloved

Squat, bosomy, and worn

Industrial boxes and shabby tenements

Jostle bodegas, trattorias, jerky shops and nail palaces.

Littered streets of families and clans

Schools and houses of worship and dollar stores

Embrace their comfortable bulk.


Unfamiliar shapes protrude.

Sleek, glassy slices of buildings,

Glamorous slim young women

In uniform black sheath dresses

Rise on stiletto heels

Craning their necks

For a view across the river.

Can this be my Brooklyn?

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Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz is a veteran non-profit management professional whose professional roles have spanned local, citywide, and national organizations. She also serves as lay leadership on boards of Jewish social services groups. She currently works in health care marketing and is freelance writer for several publications. She holds a Masters in Management and is an active rebbetzin in her community of Lawrence, NY.