Home Articles Rochel's Reviews The Millinery Shop

The Millinery Shop

The Millinery Shop

The Millinery Shop is your one-stop shop for hair coverings and accessories. They sell everything from headbands to yarmulkes—and everything in between. They carry a huge variety of tichels in every style (berets, pre-tieds, scarves, hats, etc.) and the supplies that go with them (wig grips, volumizers, etc.), and even some clothing, baby items, and home decor, like challah covers.

Besides the large range of options, the Millinery Shop’s unique feature is their sizing. They recognize that no two heads are the same, so their products come in different sizes—something usually not available when shopping for head coverings. There were so many beautiful styles that I had a hard time choosing which pictures to use!

The Millinery Shop offers custom-fit orders at no additional cost, and as they say on their website, “You name it, we’ve got it! If you don’t see it, just ask for it!” Their mission is to make women feel great covering their hair, and with so many options, they’ve definitely made this attainable for their customers!

You can find the Millinery Shop online at millineryshop.net or on Instagram @millineryshop. Happy shopping!

Note: Although Rochel was given free product to review, all opinions are her own.

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Photos by Yehudis Taffel