A wondrous year is about to begin,
So many jobs and duties to try to fit in,
As wives and mothers, we have so much to run,
But organized now, we’ll tackle each task one by one!
No need to be overwhelmed with Hashem always at our side,
As Akeres Habayis, we treasure fulfilling our duties with joy and pride…
This is the beginning of the poem written on the title page of The Balabusta’s Daily Organizer, a planner dedicated to helping the busy balabusta manage her day and reminding her to elevate the role she plays as she goes about these mundane tasks, in the service of Hashem. There are inspirational quotes and words of wisdom from the Torah and our chachamim at the bottoms of the pages, keeping our focus on growth throughout our work.
This organizer, created by Sara Saposhnik and designed by Ellene Newman, is laid out by the week, with columns for menu plans and shopping lists on the sides of the pages. There is also the weekly to-do list with boxes for checks (because we all love to feel accomplished!), and a monthly calendar for a more long-term glance. It also includes some great reference features to help with both our physical organization and spiritual tasks, including practical application for the Six Constant Mitzvos from Sefer Hachinuch, the Prayer of Parents for Their Children, some healthy discipline tips, a quick Shabbos checklist, a borrow and loan record, an address book and birthdays list, a 3-week menu chart, recurring shopping lists, a weekly routines list, quick doctors’ contacts, and candle lighting times for 29 cities, along with a section for note-taking. It covers 16 months, from September 2019 – December 2020, and it has a strong spiral bounding so the pages won’t fall apart.
The Balabusta’s Daily Organizer comes in two sizes—a desktop edition (7×8.5) and a pocket-size (5×7). It can be found at Jewish bookstores or ordered online at www.balabusta.us.
Note: Although Rochel was given free product to review, all opinions are her own.
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Photos by Yehudis Taffel