The Shaatra Club My Day Planner


I know I shouldn’t be as excited over a planner as I am over jewelry, but as person who loves to schedule and organize my calendar, The Shaatra Club Day Planner had me doing a little happy dance!

Every year as the new school year starts, I head over to the office supplies store to buy a new student planner, even though I haven’t been in school for fifteen years! I just can’t find an adult planner that has enough space for my daily lists, and a wall calendar is not my style! In recent years, as a homeschooler, I have seen a few new mom calendars, with schedules built in for various children’s activities, but those don’t provide space for my grown up and work lists, not to mention that there is no room for Shabbos and Yom Tov menu planning and lists.

So I cannot express to you how thrilled I am with The Shaatra Club’s Day Planner. Thoughtfully packed with my local candle lighting times, a sweet note, and a pen, the planner itself is everything I was looking for, with a few extra perks that I didn’t even realize I needed. There are TONS of really well-organized menu and list pages, all timely and smartly placed, along with tips, like a Pesach shopping and stock up lists, Purim mishloach manos lists, a Chanukah present budgeting chart, and a whole menu calendar near the Yamim Noraim. There are also cute little quotes, personal challenges, and fun mini-activities interspersed throughout, as well as small parsha summaries on Fridays. There are spaces for budgeting and notes, as well as a scheduled appointment area and a daily meal plans box. I love how I don’t have to Google dates for holidays or the Parsha for the week. It’s all already there! The design is aesthetically pleasing without being overwhelming, and every month has a tab for easy access.

The Shaatra Club was created by Jill Dushey as a place to inspire women to live their lives with “intention and purpose”, as it says on her Instagram page. The word “Shaatra” means homemaker (or balabusta) in Arabic, and Jill uses her page and her planners to help women to feel more organized without having to feel perfect. She encourages each woman to be unique and recognize that we are all a work in progress.

The Shaatra Club has a few other organizing tools available besides their day planners on their website, including weekly planners, student planners, and children’s planners. They can also be found on Instagram, where Jill posts inspiration for other balabustas!

Note: Although Rochel was given free product to review, all opinions are her own.

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Photos by Yehudis Taffel