Mommy’s Cookie Jar was founded by sisters-in-law, Brooke Rubinstein and Camille Weiss. When Brooke was struggling to keep up with her baby’s demand while nursing, she tried to find a creative and sustainable solution to boosting milk supply, but instead, she saw a serious lacking in the frum community. Although there are many products out there for nursing moms, there is nothing available for the kosher consumer.
So after extensively researching milk-enhancing ingredients, she pulled in her sister-in-law for recipe advice and experimentation, and they have now created the only kosher lactation cookies on the market…and they are delicious! Made in a kosher-certified facility with the recipes Camille—a professional cook— has developed, and delivered in a variety of flavors, these cookies are specially baked from ingredients which are known to boost nursing mothers’ milk supply, but they’re formulated so well that they still taste like regular cookies! (They are also nut and dairy free!)
Their adorable tagline, “We’re the cookies to your milk”, is just one of the creative touches these ladies have brought to the table. The cookies themselves are beautifully packaged and wrapped as a gift to make new mothers feel like they have received a special treat. My little one and I had such fun unwrapping these cookies and trying all the flavors.
Mommy’s Cookie Jar cookies can be ordered online at www.mommyscookiejar.com, via email at MomsCookieJarLLC@gmail.com, by calling 609-736-4855, or on Instagram @MommysCookieJar. They ship anywhere in the US and have pickup available in Five Towns and Brooklyn.
Note: Although Rochel was given free product to review, all opinions are her own.
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Photography by Yehudis Taffel