Home Articles Rochel's Reviews Chametz: The Search Is On! Game

Chametz: The Search Is On! Game

Chametz: The Search Is On! Game
Photos by Dina Brookmyer

“Chametz” is an adorable game by Hazakah, Inc., which is set up and played similar to the murder mystery game, Clue. The object of the game is to figure out Who found the chametz, Where they found it, and What kind of chametz it is.

As someone who buys new games for her kids for Pesach, I love this idea. A Pesach-themed mystery game to be used as a gift on Pesach? Count me in!

And even better—it can be used on Yom Tov! The game is set up to keep track of everything in a way that is not mechalel Shabbos (unlike Clue).

Besides helping your kids develop their critical thinking muscles, this game includes trivia questions about Pesach and Yitzias Mitzrayim, which will help them jump to different rooms on the board if they answer correctly, giving them an extra shot at guessing the winning clues of the game. So they are learning about the holiday while they are having fun!

Want to buy this awesome game for your kids for Pesach? Hazakah has so generously offered our readers a $10 discount on their purchase by visiting the site through our link: hazakah.com/nashim.

You can also check out the other cool games and swag for sale on their site while you are there! Enjoy!

*Note: Although Rochel was given free product to review, all opinions are her own.

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