Until You Get There (A Poem About the Journey)

Art by Rocky Pincus

This toilet training—a full-fledged disaster
A bladder he’s got to learn to master
The preschool claims mom’s to blame
I feel a mix of despair and shame

Until you get there
Until you get there

Last week he was diagnosed with a disability 
The cantankerous teacher is hounding me
He hardly knows his ABC
Alas—but not inherited from my side of the family

Until you get there
Until you get there 

He’s being bullied, the kids are cruel
And doesn’t want to go to school
The principal shouts “Get therapy!”
I know he can benefit 
But can’t afford the fee

Until you get there
Until you get there

High school threw him for a loop
Once again, we need to regroup
The tutor twice a week
Sees potential great
(With a C+ average
How will he find a mate?)

Until you get there
Until you get there

Tomorrow, his road test, I don’t know how he’ll fare
The thought of him driving gives me gray hair 
But he’s now a man of 18 years
Gone are the tantrums
Fewer, the tears

Until you get there 
Until you get there

He’s seeing a young lady 
And truly ecstatic 
They are getting engaged
It feels almost magic
I can hardly believe it when I hear him say
She’s perfect for me in every way

Until you get there 
Until you get there

They’re married and happy
Doing just fine 
And have just called to tell me 
About two pink lines 
I’m going to be a grandma soon—G-d willing
This new milestone 
Positively thrilling

Until you get there
Until you get there

The baby is gorgeous 
Yet cries all day long
His mother is worried
She’s doing something wrong

Doctor says it’s colic
Which he’ll soon outgrow
She calls the wise elders 
They certainly will know 

What they quietly share is a sigh and smile
Whispering the secret they’ve known for a while:

…”Until you get there
Until you get there”…

Pray hard!


  1. As always, Chanie’s poems are genius! I can count on them to make me smile or cry, they always make you feel something. Looking forward to reading more!


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